About Us

1947 to Current!
Established in 1947 the Arabian Horse Breeders Association of Oregon is the oldest Arabian horse club in the Pacific Northwest. We were formed in early 1947 by a group of Arabian horse owners and breeders who had a passion for the Arabian horse breed and wanted to share their interest with others. Today our 501c3 nonprofit organization is home to a diverse community of horse enthusiasts, and we welcome both riders and non-riders alike to participate in our club! We have a rich history of hosting horse show competitions and learning clinics. Our club provides scholarship opportunities and a unique futurity program! We are horse community focused and family friendly, with opportunity for members of various disciplines to participate. The AHBAO club invites you to be part of a positive and welcoming horse community!
“Let a horse whisper in your ear and breathe on your heart… You will never regret it.” -Author Unknown
The mission and purpose of the Arabian Horse Breeders Association of Oregon is to promote the Arabian horse breed by providing and supporting educational, competitive and social activities.
We want to see you at our next event! Participation is at the heart of our club and the more smiling faces we see the better! Whether you are interested in riding opportunities or just getting together with other horse people in the community there is a place for you here. We are always available to chat with ways to help you learn more about our club and activities that might interest you!